You know when you’ve been waiting for a certain day for a really long time and then the night before you get struck by the freak outs? That was me last night. Part of me was unexpectedly really tired, part of me was practically salsa-ing around the house and part of me got really nervous. I got nervous that there will be people who won’t like my book. People who will diss it. People who won’t even think twice about it. And that’s when I remembered that part of being seen and doing impactful work is getting okay(ish) with taking off the people-pleasing jacket. So today, I’m committing to feeling proud. To celebrating the accomplishment of writing and publishing a book. To doing my best to help people who worry. On that note, I'm pleased to bring you The Panic Button Book, out today!
About The Panic Button Book
The Panic Button Book is a practical step-by-step guide to help you through those moments when you feel worried or panicky. Including over 50 'decision trees' designed to neutralise anxiety, this book guides you through feelings of:
- Loss of control - Worry - Overthinking - Restlessness - Hypervigilance
With special sections on relationships, parenting and social unease, The Panic Button Book captures day-to-day moments of worry and converts them into a sense of relief.
The Panic Button Book can be purchased online and in all good bookstores in Australia and NZ from today onwards
If you’re keen to hear about the book in more depth, join me tonight online in conversation with Alexx Stuart from Low Tox Life for a Book Launch Day Interview